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Writer's pictureMuhammed Yıldırım

Turkey vs. Georgia: Country Comparison Guide

Have you ever wondered what sets Turkey and Georgia apart? Despite being neighboring countries, they have distinct cultures, languages, and historical backgrounds.

Georgia is a parliamentary representative democratic republic with Irakli Garibashvili as its current Prime Minister. The ruling political party in Georgia since 2012 is the Georgian Dream. On the other hand, Turkey has a presidential representative democratic republic form of government.


Apart from their governance systems, Turkey and Georgia also differ in their geography. While both are located in Eurasia, Turkey spans across two continents - Asia and Europe - while Georgia is situated entirely in Asia.

Moreover, Turkey and Georgia have different official languages - Turkish and Georgian respectively. These languages belong to different language families; Turkish belongs to the Turkic language family while Georgian belongs to the Kartvelian language family.

Geography and History: Contrasting Turkey and Georgia's Cultural and Historical Backgrounds

Georgia's Territory and Culture

Georgia has a smaller territory compared to Turkey, with the Black Sea to the west and Russia to the north. The country is known for its beautiful landscapes, including mountains, valleys, and forests. The Georgian culture has been influenced by its past as a Soviet republic. For instance, Georgians are known for their love of wine, which dates back to ancient times. They also have a rich tradition of music, dance, and literature.

Turkey's Territory and Culture

On the other hand, Turkey has a larger territory that spans across two continents: Europe and Asia. The country is bordered by several countries such as Greece, Bulgaria, Syria, Iraq, Armenia among others. Its culture is diverse due to its history as an empire that spanned over three continents in the 19th century. Turkish cuisine is popular around the world while its architecture reflects both European and Middle Eastern influences.

Government Systems

Georgia has a parliamentary system of government where political parties compete in general elections every four years to form a government. On the other hand, Turkey has a presidential system with more centralized power vested in one person - the president who is elected every five years.

Military Conflicts

The Turkish government has been involved in military conflicts in the region over time. One of these was during the recent conflict in South Ossetia when it supported Azerbaijan against Armenia resulting in territorial disputes between them.

Energy Production

Turkey is one of the major players in natural gas production globally producing over 50 billion cubic meters annually while Georgia relies on imports for most of its energy needs.

Cost of Living: Comparing Popular Cities in Georgia and Turkey

Tbilisi is cheaper than Istanbul in terms of cost of living.

Tbilisi, the capital city of Georgia, is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and affordable cost of living. Compared to Istanbul, which is one of the most expensive cities in Turkey, Tbilisi offers a much more affordable lifestyle. The cost of rent, food, transportation and other daily expenses are significantly lower in Tbilisi than in Istanbul.

For instance, according to Numbeo's data as of August 2021, the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center of Tbilisi is around $300-$400 whereas it can go up to $800-$900 in Istanbul. In addition to that, restaurant prices are also much cheaper in Tbilisi compared to Istanbul. A meal at an inexpensive restaurant costs around $5-$10 per person while it can be twice or thrice as much in Istanbul.

Moreover, public transportation is also more affordable in Tbilisi than Istanbul. A single trip on a metro or bus costs around $0.20-$0.30 while it costs around $0.60-$0.70 per trip on public transportation systems such as metrobus or ferryboat.

Ankara and Batumi have similar costs of living.

Ankara is the capital city of Turkey and Batumi is a coastal city located on the Black Sea coast of Georgia. These two cities have similar costs of living when compared with each other.

According to Numbeo's data as of August 2021, the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Ankara ranges between $200-$400 while it ranges between $250-$500 per month in Batumi depending on your location and proximity to tourist attractions.

Similarly, groceries and dining out are also similarly priced between Ankara and Batumi with slight variations depending on the location and type of establishment. For example, a meal at an inexpensive restaurant costs around $5-$10 per person in both cities.

Istanbul is more expensive than any city in Georgia.

Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and high cost of living. Compared to any city in Georgia, Istanbul is significantly more expensive.

As mentioned earlier, the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Istanbul can go up to $800-$900 whereas it ranges between $300-$400 in Tbilisi. Groceries and dining out are also much pricier in Istanbul compared to any city in Georgia. A meal at a mid-range restaurant costs around $20-$30 per person while it can be half as much or even less in Georgia.

Moreover, transportation costs are also higher in Istanbul than any city in Georgia. A single trip on public transportation systems such as metrobus or ferryboat costs around $0.60-$0.70 while it's only about $0.20-$0.30 per trip on public transportation systems such as metro or bus.

The cost of living in Georgia is generally lower than Turkey

Overall, the cost of living in Georgia is generally lower than Turkey across all major cities including Tbilisi and Batumi when compared with Ankara and Istanbul respectively.

Apart from housing, groceries and dining out options being cheaper overall, other expenses such as healthcare and education are also relatively affordable when compared with Turkey.

Salary and Job Opportunities: Analyzing Income Differences in Turkey and Georgia

Turkey's GDP Growth Rate Outpaces Georgia

Turkey has been outpacing Georgia. According to the World Bank, Turkey's GDP growth rate was 1.8% in 2020, while Georgia's was -6.2%. This means that Turkey's economy is growing faster than Georgia's.

This difference in economic growth can have a significant impact on job opportunities and salaries. A growing economy typically means more job opportunities and higher salaries for workers.

The Average Salary in Turkey is Higher Than in Georgia

One of the key differences between Turkey and Georgia is the average salary. According to data from Numbeo, the average monthly net salary after tax in Istanbul, Turkey is around 5,000 TRY (about $600 USD), while the average monthly net salary after tax in Tbilisi, Georgia is around 1,500 GEL (about $480 USD).

This means that on average, workers in Turkey earn more than workers in Georgia. However, it's important to note that this can vary depending on factors such as industry and level of experience.

Job Opportunities are More Abundant in Turkey Than in Georgia

Another factor to consider when comparing job opportunities between Turkey and Georgia is the number of available jobs. Due to its larger population and faster-growing economy, there are generally more job opportunities available in Turkey compared to Georgia.

Istanbul - the largest city in Turkey - is a major business hub with many multinational companies operating there. This means that there may be more opportunities for international work or higher-paying jobs within these companies.

However, it's worth noting that both countries have their own unique industries and strengths. For example, tourism is a major industry for both countries with plenty of seasonal jobs available.

The Unemployment Rate Is Lower In Turkey Compared to Georgia

The unemployment rate is another important factor to consider when comparing job opportunities between Turkey and Georgia. According to data from the World Bank, the unemployment rate in Turkey was 12.7% in 2020, while the unemployment rate in Georgia was 16.3%.

This means that on average, it may be easier to find a job in Turkey compared to Georgia. However, it's important to note that these rates can vary depending on factors such as location and industry.

The Cost of Living Is Higher In Turkey Than In Georgia

While salaries may be higher in Turkey compared to Georgia, it's important to also consider the cost of living. According to Numbeo, the cost of living index in Istanbul is around 47% higher than in Tbilisi.

This means that while workers in Turkey may earn more money on average, they may also have higher expenses and a lower overall purchasing power.

Residence Options: Understanding Housing Differences in Turkey and Georgia

Wide Range of Housing Options in Turkey

Turkey offers a wide range of housing options for residents, from modern apartments to traditional houses. The country's real estate market is well-developed, with many options available for those looking to buy or rent a property.

Modern apartments are popular in major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir. These apartments are often equipped with modern amenities such as swimming pools, fitness centers, and 24-hour security. Some apartment complexes even have their own shopping centers and cinemas.

Traditional houses can be found throughout the country, especially in older neighborhoods. These houses often feature unique architectural styles and design elements that reflect Turkey's rich cultural heritage. Many traditional houses have been renovated to include modern amenities while still retaining their original charm.

Limited Housing Options in Georgia

Georgia's real estate market is still developing, which means that there are limited options for modern apartments compared to Turkey. Most buildings in Georgia are older and may not have the same level of amenities as newer properties.

However, this doesn't mean that there aren't any good housing options available in Georgia. In fact, some people prefer the character and charm of older buildings over newer ones. There are also some new apartment complexes being built in Tbilisi that offer modern amenities at more affordable prices than similar properties in Turkey.

Renting Costs

Renting costs vary between Turkey and Georgia depending on the location and type of property you're interested in renting.

In general, renting an apartment or house in Turkey can be more expensive than renting a similar property in Georgia. This is especially true if you're looking to rent a property in one of the major cities like Istanbul or Ankara where demand is high.

On the other hand, rental prices tend to be more affordable overall in Georgia. This is partly due to the limited number of modern apartments available but also because overall living costs in Georgia are lower than in Turkey.

Buying Property

Buying property in Turkey can be a complex process, especially for foreigners. There are many regulations and legal requirements that must be met before you can purchase a property in the country. It's essential to work with a reputable real estate agent or lawyer who can guide you through the process.

In contrast, buying property in Georgia is relatively straightforward. The government has relaxed regulations for foreign buyers, making it easier to invest in real estate. However, it's still important to work with a local real estate agent or lawyer who understands the market and can help you navigate any potential challenges.

Short-Term Rentals

Both Turkey and Georgia offer options for short-term rentals like Airbnb. However, there are some differences between the two countries.

In Turkey, short-term rental properties must be registered with the government, and hosts must pay taxes on their earnings. There are also restrictions on how many days per year a property can be rented out as a vacation rental.

In Georgia, there are no specific regulations governing short-term rentals at this time. However, it's always important to check local laws and regulations before listing your property on Airbnb or other vacation rental platforms.

Climate Comparison: Weather Differences between Turkey and Georgia

Turkey has a Mediterranean climate, while Georgia has a humid subtropical and continental climate.

Turkey is located in the Mediterranean region, which is characterized by hot summers and mild winters. The country experiences long, dry summers that last from May to September. During this period, temperatures can soar up to 40°C in some parts of the country. The coastal regions of Turkey are cooler than inland areas due to sea breezes.

On the other hand, Georgia's climate is classified as humid subtropical and continental. This means that the country experiences hot summers with high humidity levels and cold winters with heavy snowfall. The summer season lasts from June to September, during which temperatures can reach up to 30°C in some parts of the country.

Turkey experiences hot and dry summers, while Georgia has warm and humid summers.

As mentioned earlier, Turkey has hot and dry summers due to its location in the Mediterranean region. This makes it an ideal destination for beach lovers who want to soak up the sun on sandy shores. However, it's important to note that temperatures can be quite high during this time of year, making outdoor activities uncomfortable for some people.

In contrast, Georgia experiences warm and humid summers due to its location near the Black Sea. This makes it a popular destination for those who prefer milder temperatures during their summer vacation. However, visitors should be prepared for occasional rain showers as well as high humidity levels that can make it feel warmer than it actually is.

Georgia receives more rainfall than Turkey throughout the year.

Georgia receives more rainfall compared to Turkey throughout the year due to its location near the Black Sea. The western part of Georgia receives higher amounts of precipitation than other regions of the country. The rainy season typically lasts from April through October when most areas receive over 100 mm of rainfall per month.

In contrast, Turkey receives less rainfall compared to Georgia due to its location in the Mediterranean region. The country experiences most of its rainfall during the winter months, which can make it difficult for travelers who want to explore outdoor attractions during this time of year.

Turkey has colder winters compared to Georgia, which has milder winters.

Turkey experiences colder winters compared to Georgia due to its location in the northern hemisphere. During this time of year, temperatures can drop below freezing in some parts of the country. However, visitors can still enjoy winter activities such as skiing and snowboarding in popular resorts like Uludağ and Palandöken.

In contrast, Georgia has milder winters compared to Turkey due to its location near the Black Sea. The western part of Georgia experiences relatively mild temperatures throughout the year with occasional snowfall during the winter months. This makes it an ideal destination for those who want to escape harsh winter conditions while still enjoying a festive atmosphere.

Travel and Lifestyle: Exploring Which Country is Better for Travel and Living Based on the Above Factors

Georgia's Smaller Population Makes It a More Intimate Destination

Georgia has a population of only 3.7 million inhabitants, which makes it an intimate destination compared to Turkey. The lower population density means that there are fewer crowds in the cities and attractions, making it easier to move around without feeling overwhelmed.

Georgia's smaller size makes it easier to explore different parts of the country in a shorter amount of time. You can visit Tbilisi, the capital city, and then head out to the countryside or beach resorts without having to travel long distances.

Furthermore, Georgia has a unique culture that is heavily influenced by its location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. This cultural blend is reflected in its architecture, cuisine, music, and art scene. Visitors can immerse themselves in this rich cultural heritage by visiting museums and galleries or attending festivals like Tbilisi Open Air.

Turkey's Larger Economy Offers More Opportunities for Citizens

Turkey has a larger economy than Georgia with a GDP of $761 billion compared to Georgia's $16.1 billion according to the World Factbook. This means that Turkey offers more opportunities for citizens looking for employment or investment opportunities.

Turkey also has a more developed industry with major sectors including textiles, automotive manufacturing, electronics production as well as tourism. With over 40 million visitors annually who flock to vacation resorts like Antalya or Bodrum along with historical sites such as Istanbul’s Blue Mosque or Hagia Sophia Museum which was converted into a mosque again after years being museum; tourism plays an important role in Turkish economy.

Moreover, Turkey’s strategic location between Europe and Asia make it an ideal hub for international trade routes which attract foreign investors from all over the world.

Economic Reforms Are Boosting Georgia's Growth Rate

Georgia has been implementing economic reforms aimed at attracting foreign investment, leading to a 5% growth rate in 2019. The country has established free trade agreements with the European Union and China, making it an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand.

Georgia has been focusing on developing its tourism industry by investing in infrastructure like airports and hotels. This has resulted in more visitors coming to Georgia every year.

Georgia's recent elections have also been hailed as a success for democracy in the region. The peaceful transfer of power from one party to another is a positive sign for stability and economic growth in the country.

On the other hand, Turkey's economy has experienced declining growth rates over time due to political instability and inflation concerns. The country's reliance on imports and exports has made it vulnerable to fluctuations in global markets.

Key Takeaways on the Differences between Turkey and Georgia

After analyzing the various aspects of Turkey and Georgia, it is clear that both countries have unique differences that set them apart. Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind when considering which country is better for living or traveling:


What are the main differences between Turkey and Georgia?

Turkey and Georgia have different cultural backgrounds, cost of living, job opportunities, housing options, climate, travel experiences, and lifestyles.

  • Geography and History: While both countries share a rich history and cultural heritage, Turkey has a more diverse geography with access to both the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea. On the other hand, Georgia's landscape is dominated by mountains.

  • Cost of Living: The cost of living in Georgia is generally lower than in Turkey. For example, food prices are cheaper in Tbilisi compared to Istanbul.

  • Salary and Job Opportunities: In general, salaries are higher in Turkey than in Georgia. However, finding a job in Turkey can be more competitive due to its larger population.

  • Residence Options: Housing options vary widely between these two countries. In general, it's easier to find affordable housing options in Georgia compared to Turkey.

  • Climate Comparison: The climate varies depending on where you are located within each country but overall Turkey has warmer temperatures while Georgia has colder temperatures.

  • Travel and Lifestyle: Both countries offer unique experiences for travelers but it depends on your personal preferences. If you're looking for beach destinations then Turkey might be a better option but if you want mountainous landscapes then consider visiting Georgia.


Overall, deciding between living or traveling to either country depends on your personal preferences. While there may be certain advantages or disadvantages based on your situation such as job opportunities or cost of living that should be taken into account before making any decisions.

If you're looking for an affordable place with great food and a unique cultural experience, Georgia might be the perfect destination for you. However, if you want to live in a country with a higher standard of living and more job opportunities then Turkey could be the better choice.

It's important to do your research and weigh the pros and cons before making any decisions. Ultimately, both countries offer something special that can make for an unforgettable experience.


Q: Is it expensive to live in Turkey compared to Georgia?

A: Yes, generally speaking, Turkey has a higher cost of living than Georgia. However, it depends on which city you're comparing as Istanbul is more expensive than Tbilisi.

Q: Are there more job opportunities in Turkey or Georgia?

A: There are generally more job opportunities in Turkey due to its larger population and economy. However, competition for jobs can be tough as well.

Q: Which country has better weather conditions?

A: It depends on your preference but overall Turkey has warmer temperatures while Georgia has colder temperatures due to its mountainous landscape.

Q: Which country is better for outdoor activities like hiking or skiing?

A: If you're looking for outdoor activities like hiking or skiing then Georgia would be the better option due to its mountainous landscape.

Q: Which country is easier to travel around?

A: Both countries have good transportation infrastructure but Turkey may have slightly better options such as high-speed trains and buses that connect major cities together.

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