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2023 Turkey Population: Demographics and Growth Trends

Writer's picture: BurhanBurhan

Turkey is a country with a population of over 82 million people, making it the world's 18th most populous country. The population density in Turkey is unevenly distributed, with the majority of people living in urban areas along the western coast. Istanbul, Turkey's largest city, has a population density of over 2,700 people per square kilometer, making it one of the most densely populated cities in Europe.

The population growth rate in Turkey has been steadily declining since the 1970s and is currently at 1.09%, which is lower than the global average. While some may wonder if this means that turkey populations are declining or decreasing, it’s important to note that these figures refer to human populations and not wild turkeys.

Galata view from bosphorus

Current Population of Turkey: Trends and Demographic Information

Population Division in Turkey: Urbanization and Istanbul

The population division in Turkey shows that the majority of the population resides in urban areas. As of 2021, Turkey's current population is estimated to be around 84 million people. According to data from the Turkish Statistical Institute, approximately 76% of the population lives in urban areas, while only 24% reside in rural areas.

Istanbul is the most populous city in Turkey, with a population of over 15 million people. It is also one of the largest cities globally and serves as an economic hub for both Turkey and Europe. Other major cities include Ankara (the capital), Izmir, Bursa, and Antalya.

Total Population Trends: Steady Increase

The total population of Turkey has been steadily increasing over the past few decades. In 1960, the country's population was just over 27 million people. By 2015, it had more than tripled to over 78 million people. The growth rate has slowed somewhat since then but remains relatively consistent at around 1.5% per year.

Demographic Information: Median Age and Life Expectancy

Demographic information reveals that the median age in Turkey is relatively young at just 32 years old. This figure reflects a growing trend towards youthfulness among populations worldwide due to increased access to education and healthcare services.

Turkey also boasts a relatively high life expectancy rate compared to other developing countries. As of 2021, life expectancy was approximately 77 years old for both men and women combined.

Projected Population of Turkey: Growth and Projections

Decreasing Population Growth Rate

Turkey's population growth rate has been steadily decreasing since the 1960s. The country's population growth rate was at its peak in the 1960s, with a high of 3.5%. However, this rate has decreased over time and is currently at 1.4% in 2021. This decrease can be attributed to various factors such as improved access to education, family planning services, and increased urbanization.

Despite the decrease in population growth rate, Turkey's estimated population continues to increase. According to projections, Turkey's population is expected to cross the 100 million mark by 2050. This increase can be attributed to several factors such as a relatively high life expectancy and increasing immigration rates.

High Life Expectancy

One factor that contributes significantly to Turkey's projected population growth is its relatively high life expectancy. Currently, Turkey's average life expectancy is around 78 years old. This means that people are living longer than before and contributing more towards the overall population count.

However, it is essential to note that there are some concerns about the accuracy of estimation data used for making these projections. Some experts have suggested that actual population growth may be slower than predicted due to various factors such as declining birth rates and changing demographics.


Another factor contributing towards Turkey's projected population growth is immigration. Turkey has become an increasingly popular destination for immigrants from neighboring countries such as Syria and Afghanistan due to political instability and economic hardships in their home countries.

Istanbul Population

Istanbul is one of the largest cities in Turkey and has a significant impact on the country's overall population count. As of 2021, Istanbul has an estimated population of around 16 million people, making it one of the most populous cities globally.

Historical Population Data of Turkey: Changes and Events Since 1800

The Ottoman Empire, which ruled Turkey for centuries, saw a steady increase in population until the 19th century. However, the 20th century brought about significant changes and events that had a profound impact on Turkey's population. In this section, we will explore the historical population data of Turkey and discuss the changes and events that occurred since 1800.

Steady Population Growth During Ottoman Empire

During the Ottoman Empire, Turkey's population experienced a steady increase until the 19th century. The empire was characterized by its vast territories and diverse ethnic groups. It was home to Muslims, Christians, Jews, and other religious groups who coexisted peacefully under Ottoman rule. The empire's population grew from an estimated 20 million people in the 18th century to around 35 million people by the end of the 19th century.

Rapid Population Growth in the 20th Century

In contrast to the steady growth during Ottoman rule, Turkey's population grew rapidly in the 20th century. Between 1900 and 2000, there was a percentage change of over 200%. This rapid growth can be attributed to several factors such as improvements in healthcare services and increased access to education. Government policies that encouraged large families also contributed to this growth.

Recent Years: Slower Rate of Population Growth

In recent years, Turkey's population has been growing at a slower rate than before. The average annual increase is around 1%. This slowdown can be attributed to several factors such as increased access to birth control methods and changing societal attitudes towards family size.

Population Fluctuations During Roman Rule

Before Ottoman rule, Turkey was part of the Roman Empire from the 6th century BC until the 16th century AD. During this time period, the region's population fluctuated due to wars and epidemics. For example, during Justinian's reign (527-565 AD), there were several outbreaks of bubonic plague that decimated the population.

Current Population Estimates

According to recent estimates, Turkey's population is around 83 million people. This makes it one of the most populous countries in Europe and the Middle East. The majority of the population is concentrated in urban areas such as Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir.

Comparison of Turkey's Population Statistics with Other Countries in the Region and Globally

Turkey's Population Statistics Compared to Other Countries in the Region and Globally

Population is a crucial factor that defines the national identity of a country. Turkey, located at the intersection of Europe and Asia, has a population of approximately 83 million people, making it the 18th most populous country globally. Here are some statistics comparing Turkey's population with other countries in the region and worldwide.

Turkey's Position in Global Ranking

With its population of approximately 83 million people, Turkey ranks as the 18th most populous country globally. It is also the sixth most populous country in Europe. According to data from the CIA World Factbook, Turkey's total area is around 783,356 square kilometers, making it the 37th largest country in terms of landmass.

Literacy Rate

The literacy rate is an essential indicator of a nation's development level. In Turkey, according to UNESCO estimates from 2018, the literacy rate stands at an impressive 95.3 percent among adults aged over 15 years old. This figure places Turkey higher than many other countries in its region.

Death Rate

Another important statistic for measuring a nation's overall health and well-being is its death rate per capita. In this regard, according to data from The World Bank Group from 2019, Turkey has one of the lowest death rates among countries in its region at just six deaths per thousand people.

Human Rights Record

As a member of European Union (EU), Turkey has made significant progress towards improving human rights standards within its borders. However, there remain some challenges regarding freedom of expression and religion that require further attention.

Population Density

With roughly 106 people per square kilometer density ratio across its territory - which includes major cities such as Istanbul or Ankara - it can be said that Turkey has moderate population density compared to other countries worldwide.

Understanding Turkey's Place in the World through Demographics

Ethnic Diversity in Turkey

Turkey is a country with a diverse population of over 82 million people. The majority of the population, around 70%, are ethnic Turks. The remaining 30% comprises various ethnic groups, including Kurds, Arabs, Circassians, and Albanians. This diversity stems from Turkey's geographical location at the crossroads of Europe and Western Asia.

The Turkish culture is unique in that it blends elements from both regions. Its history as the center of the Ottoman Empire has resulted in a rich cultural heritage that is evident in its architecture, music, cuisine, and language. Istanbul, Turkey's largest city and economic hub, is situated on both sides of the Bosphorus strait that connects the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. The city's strategic location has made it an essential center for foreign policy and trade.

Kurdish Minority Struggle for Autonomy

The Kurdish minority in Turkey comprises approximately 18% of the population and is concentrated mainly in southeastern Anatolia. They have long struggled for greater autonomy and recognition of their distinct cultural identity. The Turkish government has historically suppressed Kurdish language and culture.

In recent years there have been efforts to improve relations between the Turkish government and Kurdish minority groups. In 2013, then-Prime Minister Erdogan launched peace talks with imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan aimed at ending the decades-long conflict between Kurdish militants and Turkish security forces.

However, tensions remain high between Kurdish separatists and Turkish authorities following President Erdogan's decision to launch military operations against Kurdish militants across Turkey's borders with Syria and Iraq.

Turkey became a republic on October 29th, 1923 after Mustafa Kemal Ataturk led a war against invading Allied Powers following World War I. He established himself as the country’s first president until his death in 1938.

Ataturk sought to modernize Turkey by introducing Western-style political, legal, and social reforms. He abolished the Ottoman Empire's Islamic caliphate and replaced it with a secular government. He also introduced a new Turkish alphabet based on the Latin script.

Ataturk's legacy is still visible in modern-day Turkey. His portrait hangs in many public spaces, and his name adorns schools, streets, and even airports across the country.

Analyzing Age Structure and Dependency Ratios in Turkey

Age Distribution in Turkey: A Young Population

Turkey is a country with a relatively young population, with a median age of 31.5 years. This means that half of the population is younger than 31.5 years old and the other half is older. The young age distribution can be attributed to several factors, including high birth rates and improved healthcare systems.

The majority of the Turkish population falls within the age range of 15-64 years old, making up 66.9% of the total population. This indicates that there is a large working-age population in Turkey, which can have positive implications for economic growth and development.

However, it's important to note that while a young population may seem advantageous, it also poses certain challenges such as increased pressure on education and job markets, as well as potential strain on social welfare systems in supporting those who are not yet able to work or have retired.

Dependency Ratio in Turkey: Almost Half of the Population is Dependent

The dependency ratio in Turkey is currently at 47.9%, indicating that almost half of the population is dependent on the other half for support. The dependency ratio measures the number of dependents (those who are too young or too old to work) compared to the working-age population (those aged 15-64).

The dependent part of the population in Turkey consists mainly of children and elderly individuals, with those aged 0-14 making up 24.2% and those aged 65 and above making up 8.7% of the total population.

This high dependency ratio poses significant challenges for Turkey's economy and social welfare systems as it puts pressure on working-age individuals to provide for both their own needs as well as those who are dependent on them.

Challenges Posed by High Dependency Ratios

High dependency ratios can negatively impact economic growth by reducing productivity levels due to an increased burden on workers who must support non-working dependents. This can lead to lower levels of economic output, which in turn can limit the government's ability to provide social welfare programs and support for those who are dependent.

Furthermore, high dependency ratios often result in increased demand for education and healthcare services, as well as housing and other basic necessities. This can create additional strain on public resources and limit access to critical services for both dependents and working-age individuals.

Exploring Fertility Rates and Birth Trends in Turkey

Fertility rates and birth trends in Turkey have been a topic of interest for many researchers over the years. In this section, we will explore some key points related to fertility rates and birth trends in Turkey.

Fertility Rate

The total fertility rate (TFR) is the average number of children born to a woman during her reproductive years. The TFR in Turkey has been declining since the 1980s, with a TFR of 2.07 in 2019. This means that women, on average, are having just over two children during their reproductive years.

Interestingly, the TFR for females in Turkey is higher than that of males, with women having an average of 2.13 children compared to men's 1.99. This could be due to various factors such as cultural norms and gender roles.

First-Time Mothers

The TFR for first-time mothers in Turkey is lower than the overall TFR, with an average of 1.67 children per woman. This suggests that many women are choosing to delay having children until later in life or may choose not to have children at all.

Birth Rate

The birth rate in Turkey has also been decreasing over time, with a crude birth rate (CBR) of 12.1 births per 1,000 population in 2019. This decline can be attributed to various factors such as increased access to family planning services and changes in cultural attitudes towards childbearing.

Birth Control Methods

The use of birth control methods (BC) has increased significantly in Turkey over the past few decades. The percentage of women using any method rose from 53% in 1993 to 73% in 2018. This increase can be attributed to various factors such as increased education about family planning and improved access to contraceptives.

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Insights into the Complexities of Turkey's Population Dynamics

Diverse Population of Turkey

Turkey's population is diverse, comprising a mix of Turkic and non-Turkic groups such as Kurds, Arabs, and Greeks. The country's history has played an essential role in shaping its demographics. The Ottoman Empire's collapse and the subsequent Turkish War of Independence had a significant impact on the country's population dynamics.

During the Ottoman Empire era, the government implemented policies to assimilate minorities into Turkish culture. However, this policy changed after World War I when the empire collapsed. Afterward, Turkey became a republic in 1923 under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's leadership. Atatürk promoted nationalism and sought to create a homogenous society by suppressing minority cultures and languages.

However, this approach did not work well with Kurdish people who make up about 18% of Turkey's total population. Over time, they have faced discrimination from successive Turkish governments seeking to suppress their cultural identity and political aspirations.

Balancing Economic Growth with Minority Needs

The Turkish government has struggled to balance economic growth with minority needs in regions like Cyprus and Kurdistan. In Cyprus, for instance, there is tension between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots over land ownership issues. The conflict dates back to 1974 when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in response to a coup backed by Greece that aimed at uniting Cyprus with Greece.

The conflict led to the displacement of thousands of Greek Cypriots from their homes in northern Cyprus. Since then, there have been efforts towards reconciliation between both communities through UN-led negotiations; however, these talks have yet to produce any significant results.

Similarly, in southeastern Turkey (Kurdistan), there have been tensions between Kurdish separatists seeking autonomy or independence from Turkey and the government forces trying to maintain control over the region. This conflict has led to human rights violations against Kurdish citizens by security forces.

Elections and Social Affairs

Elections and social affairs have played a crucial role in shaping relations between the government and Turkish citizens, highlighting the complexities of managing a large and diverse population. In recent years, Turkey has experienced political polarization between supporters of President Erdogan's AKP party and opposition groups.

The AKP party has been criticized for its authoritarian tendencies, including cracking down on free speech and dissenting voices. On the other hand, opposition groups have accused the government of suppressing minority rights.

Quick Facts About the Population of Turkey: Key Statistics to Know

Population of Turkey: Key Statistics to Know

Turkey, a transcontinental country located in Western Asia and Southeastern Europe, has a population of approximately 84 million people. In this section, we will discuss some key statistics about the population of Turkey that you should know.

Istanbul - The Most Populous City in Turkey

Istanbul is the most populous city in Turkey, with a population of over 15 million people. It is not only the largest city but also the economic, cultural and historical center of Turkey. Istanbul is known for its rich history, beautiful architecture and stunning landmarks such as Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque and Topkapi Palace. The city attracts millions of tourists every year due to its unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures.

Population Growth Rate

The population growth rate in Turkey has been steadily decreasing since the 1970s and is currently at around 1.5% per year. This decrease can be attributed to several factors such as improved healthcare facilities, increased access to education and family planning services. The government has implemented policies aimed at reducing population growth rates.

Median Age

The median age of the Turkish population is 32 years old, with approximately 27% of the population under the age of 15. This young demographic presents both opportunities and challenges for Turkey's economy and society. On one hand, it provides a large workforce that can contribute to economic growth. On the other hand, it puts pressure on social services such as education and healthcare.

Urbanization Rate

Turkey has a relatively high urbanization rate compared to other countries with around 75% of the population living in urban areas. Rapid urbanization has led to several challenges such as housing shortages, traffic congestion and environmental degradation. However, it has also created new opportunities for economic growth through increased trade activities.

Literacy Rate

The literacy rate in Turkey is approximately 95%, with education being compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 14. The government has made significant investments in education, which has led to a highly educated workforce. However, there are still challenges such as regional disparities in access to education and a lack of vocational training programs.

Conclusion: Understanding the Complexities of Turkey's Population Dynamics

Understanding the Complexities of Turkey's Population Dynamics

The population of Turkey has undergone significant changes over the years, with various factors impacting its growth and development. From demographic shifts to historical events, there are many complexities that contribute to the country's current population trends.

One key factor that has impacted Turkey's population history is its geography. Situated at a crossroads between Europe and Asia, Turkey has been influenced by a range of cultural and economic forces throughout its history. This has led to a diverse population with unique characteristics and challenges.

Another important factor is fertility rates and birth trends. While these have fluctuated over time, they continue to play a significant role in shaping the country's demographics. Understanding these trends can provide valuable insights into future projections for Turkey's population growth.

Age structure and dependency ratios are also critical components of understanding Turkey's population dynamics. As the country continues to age, it will face new challenges related to healthcare, social welfare, and economic stability. By analyzing these factors, policymakers can better prepare for potential issues down the road.

Despite these complexities, there are still many opportunities for growth and prosperity in Turkey. With a young workforce and strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, the country is well-positioned for continued success in the years ahead.

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